Welcome to the Attic Blogger!


Welcome to the new online portal for all things Attic! This will be the central location for Attic news, classroom updates, student writing, and personal reflections of students and teachers. As this site evolves, more categories will be defined. And as you, the reader, get more familiar with what we have to share, we are hoping you will contribute to our community with your comments.

The Machine is Us/ing Us


Check out this super cool video highlighting how radically the modern, social web differs from both written text and “read-only” online text. By breaking down the barriers to publishing, the social web has transformed all of us from consumers to active co-creators of the world.

Also amazing: this Wired article chronicling the birth and evolution of the internet: http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/13.08/tech.html

As a 28 year-old, who experienced the mainstreaming of the internet during my pre-teen years, these issues are fascinating and deeply personal. I am curious how people in different age groups react to the video and the article.

If you were born before 1975, does the shift toward a social, connected world seem radical to you? Is the social web simply an extension of the connections we’ve always had with one another? Or is it actually a new form of connection? Do you long for a past age of face-to-face interaction?

For those of you born after 1995, how has growing up with the internet affected your view of its importance? Do you take it for granted or appreciate how it helps us all connect?

As we move forward and adapt in this rapidly changing technological landscape, we also need to look back at where we have come from and make sure the changes we experience are the changes we want. The more we can reflect, the smarter and wiser we will become.

A Week of Sinful Dwarves

Come Monday, Bashful is envious of all.

Happy Dwarf lusts for life on Tuesdays.

The Wrathful Doc is fiercest on Wednesdays.

Dopey is a proud dwarf on Thursdays.

Sneezy enjoys a gluttonous meal every Friday.

On Saturdays, Grumpy is a greedy dwarf.

Sunday is a slothful day for Sleepy.


(Inspired by today’s Daily Post prompt. Feel free to write your own…)

Learning in the Age of Technology


In have been spending a lot of time planning for the Attic blogging class and I just came across this great TEDTalk by educator and blogger Will Richardson. In the video, Richardson talks about the evolving nature of schooling in our modern world of information abundance. He explains that, now that the answers to most of our questions are only a Google search away, we need to rethink the role of classrooms. In a world where “we don’t really need school to do school,” he says that the true value of classrooms are their ability to teach kids how to be creative and persevering problem-solvers. I agree with him and I am hoping our blogging class can be just this type of classroom.